Good morning, everyone!
How are you in these days?
I would like to introduce our shop and festival in Kyoto!

Poets write tanka poems in a beautiful garden in an elegant event
Kyokusui no Utage
Venue: Inside the Heian Garden of Jonangu Shrine’s Shin’en Garden
Every year on April 29 and November 3.
The poets read the tanka poems, and then write them on a piece of paper
The topic is announced on the day of the event, and the poets write the tanka poems before a sake cup floating on a Mandarin duck shaped vessel floats by them. They then pick the sake cup and drink the sake. After all seven of the poets have finished writing their poems, according to old customs, Shinto priests read out the poems in an intonated voice.

Shirabyoshi female dancers perform a dance
One of the specialties of the Kyokusui no Utage event at Jonangu is that you can see the dance by shirabyoshi female dancers. After the poets sit by the river, a dance by the shirabyoshi starts on the central stage. When this dance ends, the Kyokusui no Utage event starts. The dance of the shirabyoshi is danced to the tune of Japanese court music, and they have dignified expressions on their faces when they dance.

Let’s join !
Children wearing suikan, an everyday kimono worn by nobles
This event is not only about the poets, and I wish you will also notice the cute children. These children let the Mandarin duck shaped vessels holding the sake cup float to the river, and see that they don’t get stuck, and if they do the children poke them with their sticks. After the Kyokusui no Utage event ends, for a fee you can float a paper cut in the shape of a human on the river.

Kyokusui no Utage
Phone +81 75-623-0846
Address 7 Tobarikyucho, Nakajima, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City 612-8459
Directions A 15-minute walk from subway or Kintetsu Takeda Station.
Event time From 2 p.m. until about 3 p.m.
Cancellations Rain or shine, but in the case of rain only the dance and reading of the poems are held.
Fee Free
Credit cards —
Friendly for Overseas Visitors At the event site they only speak Japanese. Regardless, because the event is famous many tourists visit this event every year.
Information Japanese and English
Languages spoken Only Japanese
See you soon!
Have a nice day,
Maiko transformation studio SHIKI